Curmudgeon Corner

The rantings of a middle-aged intellectual elitist.

Location: Grass Lake, Michigan, United States

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Arcane Lore

I just got back from Indianapolis, where I attended the JAUS Working Group meeting in Indianapolis. It is very pleasant to spend a week with smart people who share my interest in robotics. While I was there, I downloaded a constraint satisfaction library called choco because I suddenly got the urge to solve some NP-hard problems, and can't afford to shell out the bucks for Ilog's Solver and Scheduler optimization software.

What fun! I coded up the beginnings of a task scheduling package where tasks are constrained by time and resource requirements. I am about a tenth of the way toward implementing resources. I hope I am still running on full steam in a couple of weeks so I can finish this.


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