Curmudgeon Corner

The rantings of a middle-aged intellectual elitist.

Location: Grass Lake, Michigan, United States

Saturday, August 03, 2013

Still Alive


This blog still exists?  Well, I guess I will make good use of it, then.

First, catching up from the last post.  We did indeed qualify for the National Qualifying Event for the DARPA Urban Challenge.  We went and we did quite well, but not quite well enough to qualify for the actual race (only 13 of 35 entries qualified).  It may be sour grapes talking, but it seemed to me that the teams that DARPA pre-selected with $1M grants were able to get into the race more easily than the grass-roots teams.  But since when has anything been fair?

OK, so since 2007, I have been doing a lot more robotics work.  I have been a panelist for both NDIA and AUVSI conferences.  I am the software architecture lead for several autonomous vehicles being applied to Army logistics applications (but I can't be too much more detailed than that).

I am currently on-site where one of the robots is to be deployed, and will be doing intensive testing and tuning for a high-profile demonstration on Sept 18th, 2013.